Music Placement Updates - Colbert Report, American Pickers, Last Call with Carson Daly, American Weed

I've got some new placements to report for the past couple of weeks. I had a new episode of Last Call with Carson Daly as well as an episode of American Weed show up in my online cue sheet site last week. That makes six episodes of the Carson Daly show and 3 episodes of American Weed that my music has been used in.

Here's the cue that got used in the Carson Daly show. It's called "Delta Bluesberry Pie" and it played for 1:13. It's a bit of retro style slide guitar delta blues cue.

So far this week I had some cue sheets show up for some new shows that I've never been in before. The first was an episode of the Colbert Report show that aired back on February 13th on Comedy Central. They used 0:14 of a metal cue I wrote called "Death Blow." And the other debut series was for the show American Pickers. I'm not sure how many episodes or what cue was used in that one yet, just know that something was used.

Until next time...

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