In this chapter Ariel makes the comparison that the size of one's email list is directly proportionate to the size of their income. And while I can't speak about that from the perspective of someone with an email list in the tens of thousands, unfortunately, I can however verify the other end of the spectrum of that statement. But hopefully with Ariel's help (no pressure!) that's all going to change.
She encourages you to set aside a scheduled time once a week of about 60-90 minutes to focus solely on building your email list. So tonight that's what I did. I think I went over the 90 minutes but I figured, what the heck, I'm already behind, time to start getting caught up!
She provides you with five tips on getting more fans onto your list, such as adding friends & family, creating a location to store potential email addresses, offering a bribe, list trading with other bands, and going mobile. I decided to focus on the first three methods mentioned.
For tonight, I focused on adding friends and family, as well as offering a bribe. The past two November's I've had a chance to go to the TAXI Road Rally in LA and make some great connections. In doing so, I've exchanged business cards with quite a few people. So the first thing I did was go through that stack of cards to find some potential list members. I ended up emailing 25 people tonight, using the template that Ariel provided. So far I've had 5 people respond back that I could add them. I think that's a good start!
Also tonight, I went through my followers on my Twitter account and sent a direct message to the 40 most recent followers and told them that they if they signed up for my monthly newsletter, they would get a free mp3. No response on that one yet, but it's not helping matters that about an hour after I did that, the ReverbNation site went down for maintenance.
Earlier in the week I started keeping a folder in my e-mail client with potential leads in it. I'm going to continue to do that and start making that a weekly habit as well. I'm going to grow this list. Oh yes! It will grow!
At the end of the chapter Ariel lists 7 steps to help jump-start your email list. Let's see how many of those I did tonight!
- Make dates with yourself for the next 3-6 months to focus on your list? Check!
- Create a list of bands/artists you play with? Nope. Might re-visit this one later on when list is bigger.
- Draft a "form" email? Check!
- Mobile fan club management? Nope, not for me at this time.
- Add a bribe to your home page? Check! Though technically, it was already there thanks to an earlier chapter in this book.
- Use ReverbNation sign-up widget? Same as #5
- Go through MySpace friends and ask for email? Nope. I don't have much of a MySpace presence at this point.
Until next time...
Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/adrianclarkmbbs/ / CC BY-ND 2.0